A new employee training grant is available for employers have been extended through to 2017.
It called is the Ontario Job and Skills Training Grant.
Companies can access up to $10,000 for each of their employees they would like trained. The deadline to apply is March 31st 2015. As the employer, you pay only one sixth of the training fee if you have less then 50 employees, this Grant have been paying the balance of 5/6th todate.
For example, if your staff needed training that equates to $3,000, you'd only have to pay $500 of it, this Ontario Grant is paying the balance.
I'm delighted that my online marketing workshops, digital marketing workshops, have been approved under this grant..
I will customize a program for your staff. I recommend six three hour sessions over a twelve week period for your company.
We would conduct these six three hour workshops over twelve weeks at a time convenient to your staff to ensure minimal disruption to your operations and maximum effectiveness of the learning outcomes.
I recommend the following workshops.
Workshop One: Creating your online marketing strategy. Participates should include your appropriate senior managers and your marketing staff.
Workshop Two: Creating your company's marketing plan, calendar and action plan. Participants for this session should be those implementing the plan, with a 30 minute guest appearance mid way through from the senior manager who participated in Workshop One.
Workshops Three to Six: The last four sessions are hands on. We focus on one platform or management tool for each session. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, various eNewsletters, various video platforms, various measurement or management tools. The platform focused on will be driven by on the outcomes of our initial marketing strategy session. I will help your team excel on the platforms that will most help your company. I will coach your team while we practice, implement and measure the impact of the online marketing efforts during those weeks.
End Certification: In the twelfth week I will personally conduct a verbal test with your employees based on the platforms we have been focusing on. The End Certification will either be a pass or fail of this twelve week program.
Your employees will have access to my available online resources for two months after the end of the workshops. These online resources include my new Coffee Break Learning Online Marketing webinars.

Please connect with me if you would like to apply for this Grant to help your team leverage the Power of Online Marketing.